Play Hard And Be Seen With Zapped Outfitters

I’m a downtown, Toronto mom with urban kids who walk to school and extracurricular activities. Because of our pedestrian lifestyle, I am always on the hunt for active wear for my kids that will allow them to play hard and be seen.

In our busy neighbourhood, safety is always at the forefront of my mind. I always let my kids know how important it is for them to watch out for vehicle traffic, cyclists and other pedestrians because not everyone can see them. Now that the sun is going down earlier in the evening and we’re walking home from after school care in the dusk, SAFETY is paramount.


When we head out to the country to visit my folks, I get worried sick about walking across the highway to get to the corner store or park. Even though it’s something kids have been doing for many years and they know to look both ways before they cross. I know that I am not the only parent who feels that way.

Fellow Canadian Mom, Scarlet Kux-Kardos is the founder of Zapped Outfitters. Zapped Outfitters has been inspired by our dark, Canadian winters to manufacture items that make kids SAFE without making them look uncool to their peers. And Scarlet has the chops to prove it. She’s the founder of, which is a performance sportswear design studio. Some of their clients include Under Armour, Marmot and Columbia. I’m willing to place my bets that she knows what’s up on the durable and reflective kid’s clothing spectrum.

Zapped Outfitters has created a collection of outerwear products that are REFLECTIVE and WATERPROOF.

play hard and be seen #playhardbeseen

play hard and be seen #playhardbeseen

Let me explain – each article of active wear – baseball caps, slip on shoes, high top shoes or jacket is embedded with glass beads that reflect light. When the light hits the reflective material, mimicking a headlight from a car, they reflect back. Let me show you:

play hard and be seen #playhardbeseen

I put the slip on shoes and baseball hat that Zapped Outfitters sent my daughter to the test. We headed out to a busy, downtown street after dark. First photo, on the left was taken withOUT the flash. The second photo on the right is WITH FLASH, mimicking headlights from a car. The proof is on the picture! The reflective clothing brings more visibility to her.

The slip on shoes Miss M is wearing have a rugged rubber toe cap and a reinforced heel for durability. We parents all know that we don’t want to be buying new kids shoes and clothing ALL THE TIME, so durable is key here. And because they are slip ons, she can get them on fast and be out the door, hanging with her friends before I can sing a cheesy song to her. They retail for $75.00 Canadian. And they’re cool looking. She will legit wear these.

play hard and be seen #playhardbeseenplay hard and be seen #playhardbeseen

The ball cap have a meshed back (good for sweaty kids… like mine) and can fit any head because of it’s back snap adjustment. Retails for $30.00 Canadian.

play hard and be seen #playhardbeseenplay hard and be seen #playhardbeseen

Zapped Outfitters has our kid’s back, literally. One of Zapped Outfitter’s products is a backpack. It retails for $80.00 Canadian.

Cool backpacks for kids

But heads up Moms – before we order the vodka, red bull and sit down with our iPads to get some of these fancy high visibility shoes, hats, backpacks and jackets… and glow sticks… I have to tell you, these are just for kids. There will be no rave in my garage for the neighbourhood Moms. Well, there won’t be one with us wearing our kid’s Zapped Outfitter outerwear at least.

Winter is coming.

Earlier dusk is coming. Don’t delay on checking these products out for your children.

And for rainy days? Their products are WATERPROOF too. Yep, the jacket ($110.00) will keep you dry.

cool jacket and backpack for kids

This might be the first line of products like this for kids.


play hard and be seen #playhardbeseen #zappedoutfitters #reflectiveclothing #coolkidsshoes #coolkidsbackpacks #familytravelblogger

Zapped Outfitters sent my daughter the slip on shoes and hat to test out in exchange for an honest opinion of the products. Our thoughts are all our own.