Author Archives: kathrynanywhere
This Wild Child Of Mine
He knows when I’m weary in the mind from being over worked and over tired. [...]
Best Road Trip Playlists EVER (okay, at least for me…)
One of my favourite albums of all time is Foo Fighter’s The Color and The [...]
Road Trip Itinerary – July 2017 trip
Now that it is over and we are long home and sadly adjusting to work [...]
Random Thoughts From A Road Trip…
I recently took a 6 day/5 night road trip with my husband and two children [...]
What My 8 Year Old Daughter Requested For Her Birthday Gifts
My daughter’s 8th birthday is creeping up on us and I’m on the hunt for [...]
A Stranger Fed My Toddler
I let a complete and total stranger attempt to feed my three year old son [...]
Date Night at Ripley’s Aquarium
What wine would you pair with octopus? Are you in the mood for a sauvignon blanc? [...]
Say Hello To Our Little Friend…
We have no idea how this keep happening, but we gets moths in our house [...]
Why I’m Proud Of My Nation This Canada Day
What makes you proud to live in Canada or be Canadian? Our politeness? Maple syrup? [...]